Users have opted to upgrade their auto glass to include functions that enhance their comfortability. At Area-wide Auto Glass, exemplary services get executed on the customer’s auto glass at no extra cost. Information can be found here. 

The Solar Glass Car Windshield 

These windshields are known to be the most modern piece of high-quality windshields. They are usually solar-controlled. Experts designed these windshields to protect the user’s eyes when inside the automobile by blocking the excess solar energy that may eventually become a nuisance. The solar glass car windshields protect the user’s eyes and subsequently slow down the vehicle’s interior fading. The solar windshield reduces the sun intensity going through it. The windshield helps keep the cars cool and fresh longer. See here for information about the Critical Functions of Auto Glass on Automobiles.

Auto glass tint or shade band 

The shade bands or tints on the auto glass of an automobile have the function of keeping the user’s eyes away from the high intensity of the light from the sun. These lights, at times, can end up being uncomfortable if not controlled, especially when driving. Auto glass tints or shade bands are an option for those who cannot afford the price of a solar glass car windshield.