With auto glass being a conspicuous part of today’s automobiles, manufacturers strive to put the most durable and reliable glass type available in the market. Feel free to visit Area Wide Auto Glass for the best quality auto glass of a customer’s choice at any time. Learn more here.

Laminated glass

The creation of laminated auto glass involves taking two glass sheets, attaching them using a resin layer called Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) in between. It ends up fusing the whole glass by the use of high temperatures. This process is lamination. Laminated glasses are known to resist impact; by remaining intact and not shattering in time of a crash. Laminated glasses get installed as shop display windows, making aquariums and even on windshields.  Learn more about Tips On The Qualities Of A Good Auto Glass Repair/Replacement Company.

Tempered glass

Tempered glass is about four times stronger as compared to ordinary glass. Its creation process involves the heating of a single-ply glass to temperatures above 600 degrees Celsius. After then, the glass gets passed through a highly pressurized cooling procedure known as “quenching.” Tempered glass is as safe as laminated glass, but they shatter into thousands of small, blunt-edged pieces of pebbles when hit by something hard enough.